Courage for the Next_For people who want to realize a new phase of life, a new project, a new position, role, new skills, or simply being in a boosted rhythm.
Ready for the Next_ If only we could understand more about change. And if we moved it a little from this fearful, security-enerving place, into modern understanding of this „die and become“ and „everything is in flux“ mantras that have rather consolidated us.
Fainting. Or passive attitude of accepting what’s coming. Couldn’t we also get the taste and start enjoying the fleetingness of the moulds? Recognize this expression again and again as new on the outside and experience us in change and thereby develop new ideas of learning. It could begin that a spirit develops and we do not wait for new experiences, but to create them consciously. Become co-creators, co-authors, so to speak. We don’t escape our own experiences anyway. Then why not have a say in how we want to have new experiences?
I deliberately create this change, let go of my previous concepts about security and i am more and more in this flow that I choose - could be a good orientation for it.